Atlanta’s Injury Advocate For Over 35 Years

Catastrophic Claims

If you or a loved one suffered an on-the-job injury that will end your ability to return to work, workers’ compensation can pay you benefits for the rest of your life. To collect disability income benefits and other additional benefits, your claim must be designated catastrophic. At Hilley & Frieder in Atlanta, we help our clients throughout Georgia fight for all of the benefits they are entitled to after a serious work injury.

Don’t Let Insurance Companies Play Games With Your Life

Insurance companies try to avoid the “catastrophic” designation of a claim since catastrophic claims cost a lot more money. If a claim is designated catastrophic, insurance companies will try to change the designation of the claim to non-catastrophic.

Hilley & Frieder Can Help You

Our attorneys can provide representation to achieve the following results:

  • Establish the claim as catastrophic
  • Disability benefits payable for life
  • Medical treatment related and caused by your injury for life
  • Coordination of medical benefits through a catastrophic supplier
  • Housing accommodations necessitated by your injury
  • Retraining for a different job if this could permit you to return to work

Have You Been Injured?

At Hilley & Frieder in Atlanta, Ron Hilley has been handling these cases for over 40 years and provides his clients with an aggressive pursuit of the benefits they deserve. We present your claim to get the benefits you need to make a full recovery and get back on their feet after a catastrophic injury.

If you have a catastrophic injury, call us at 404-795-6099.

Let Our Attorneys Manage Your Catastrophic Injury Claim

It is important to have an experienced lawyer managing your claim. Our lawyers work closely with injury victims to manage all aspects of their claim including dealing with insurance companies and rehab suppliers to coordinate benefits. In the event that your claim arose from an auto accident or other injury, we can handle any injury on or off the job. Contact us today to discuss your injuries.

Ronald Hilley was the contributing attorney to this content.

Attorney Mia Frieder Sitting In Office