Crush Injuries
For people who work in an industrial setting, there is a very real possibility of suffering a crushed hand, foot, arm or leg injury. These injuries are extremely serious, and they often leave victims without the use of the injured body part for the rest of their lives. Crush injuries that happen on the job are covered under Georgia workers’ compensation law.
Crush injuries are life-changing, and there are a number of important issues that need to be addressed in the process of determining the right package of benefits to facilitate recovery. Having an experienced Georgia crush injuries attorney representing you can help to ensure that you are treated fairly and that you receive the benefits you need.
If you have suffered a workplace crush injury that has left you unable to do your job, contact one of our attorneys to discuss filing a workers’ compensation claim. With offices in Atlanta, we represent workers throughout Georgia.
Committed To Helping Workplace Accident Survivors
The lawyers at the law firm of Hilley & Frieder, P.C., have extensive experience handling many different kinds of work injury claims involving crush injuries. In addition, we operate a full-service personal injury practice. If your injury occurred as the result of defective equipment or some other form of negligence, we can help you pursue additional damages under a separate personal injury claim.
Our lawyers represent clients in a variety of work-related crush injuries, including:
- Industrial accidents
- Factory accidents
- Assembly line accidents
- Manufacturing plant accidents
Free Consultations For Injured Workers
To discuss your work-related crush injury with our Atlanta workers’ comp firm, call 404-795-6099 today. You can also reach us via email.
Ronald Hilley was the contributing attorney to this content.