Atlanta’s Injury Advocate For Over 35 Years

Do Not Make These Common Workers’ Compensation Mistakes

A simple mistake when filing for workers’ compensation could prevent you from receiving the crucial medical coverage and financial support you need.

At Hilley & Frieder, P.C., our team of experienced workers’ compensation attorneys is here to help. With over 35 years of experience, we know what it takes to help ensure you get the coverage you need. Here are some common mistakes you need to avoid:

Mistake 1: Not Keeping Crucial Documents

Keep a record of any documents related to your workers’ comp case. These documents may include official company reports related to your accident, witness statements, medical records and lost wages.

Mistake 2: Failing To Report Your Injuries

In Atlanta, Georgia, you have 30 days to report your work-related accident or discovery of an occupational disease to your employer – but it is best to make your report right away. Delaying a report could make it easier for your employer to dispute your claim.

Mistake 3: Delaying Medical Attention

It is crucial to seek medical help immediately after an accident. A medical report and treatment plans can be used to prove that an employee is suffering from serious injuries. Do not let your employer talk you into delaying treatment for a day or two to see if you can “walk it off” or heal on your own.

Mistake 4: Signing Papers Without Legal Representation

You should never sign any documents that have not been examined by an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer. Agreeing to any settlement offers could close your claim, which can make it difficult to negotiate fair compensation for your injuries.

Mistake 5: Getting On Social Media

Employers and insurers stalk the social media accounts of work injury victims, looking for anything that might be used to dispute their claims. If you have been injured, lock your social media accounts down tight and stay off them until your claim is settled.

Talk To an Attorney Today

For a free case evaluation and consultation, you can reach out to an Atlanta workers’ compensation attorney at Hilley & Frieder, P.C., by calling 404-795-6099 or filling out our contact form.

Attorney Mia Frieder Sitting In Office